Can you believe America has an indoor MTB park, the kick in the teeth though is that it's fucking rad! watch the videos to fully appreciate it.
30 January, 2009
29 January, 2009
Skateboarding in barcelona...
with pics, and closest station mostly listed. ' keep searching' at the bottom of the page for more-ness
Edit: attached link!
now back to ProE!
Nick, check this!é-Monjuic-2.jpg
28 January, 2009
Maybe people have seen this already but I hadn't, I nearly had to gouge my eyes out after watching the last trick, prepare to chunder.
i am booked for barca, hooooooo! i'm doing the derby thing then the east midlands airport thing then the barca thiiiiiiiinnnngggg
27 January, 2009
Saw this film the other day and it is sooooo funny, It's called Hot Rod and it's produced by Will Ferrel.
I strongly suggest you go rent it and watch it, here's a little clip, cool beans.
BCN 08 from carvebmx on Vimeo.
Also Jen n Pants found this place, pretty damn pimpin' - less than £120 each and close to Paralel (marble topped yellow ledge spot)
Yay? Nay?
CLICK and seeeee
26 January, 2009
Booked the tickets yesterday, so far it's Nick, Pants, Ze, Rob, Will, Jason and me.
I believe everybody apart from Jason and I are leaving shitty England Tuesday 17th March at 09.30 am, and departing amazing Spain on Tuesday 24th at 13.30.
Due to lack of holiday on my part Jason and I are leaving Wednesday 18th at 07.05 am and departing Tuesday 24th at 21.55.
This trip has come together quite quickly but if anybody can't make it please explain it here and I/we will dish out insults appropriately.
Finally, I'm a virgin to riding Barca, I hope she breaks me in gently.
21 January, 2009
Haaaaaaaa! In your faeces/faces non believers! Straight from the Ryan Air website
"It is not necessary from a safety perspective to deflate typical tyres found on bikes and wheelchairs for carriage in the hold. However, to eliminate the small risk of them being damaged by bursting, you may wish to deflate the tyres. Understandably this decision may be influenced by how easily the tyres could be inflated upon arrival."
Head over to Bicycle Onion for day by day write ups of their tour around the French boarders.
Oh, and there's a really cleanly set out photography site from George Marshall with some pretty pictures.
(Yes I'm recycling news from other sites)
18 January, 2009
Austria and Switzerland, all the photo captions have 'funny' UK references which is pretty unhelpful when trying to work out which of the two countries the photo was taken in.
Yeah guess we'll be booking this up in the near future.
16 January, 2009
This looks really good, go on UK scene! Bas Keep still airs like a bomb went off underneath him awesome.
I doubt I can stretch my finances to a trip this spring, as I have to move house and pay off various things which is annoying. I also really want to buy the WTP Envy before I get back into it all.
But having watched that video and also Neil's "Fleetscene yo!", I really want to hit some of the good UK spots again. Harrow (before it's gone) and Romford are at the top of my list at the mo. Haven't ridden bmx in maybe 3 months now, poor form.
I think this next trip has to be Geneva, the city looks really nice and looks as if theres loads of street to find.
I also found out it has a skatpark and a fair sized one, one thats alot bigger and better than Malaga's so if anyone isnt up for street then thats an option.
Flights will be 100+ with bikes.
Villa again?
Average conditions = Looks ok for APRIL time.
15 January, 2009
14 January, 2009
Looks like we found most of these spots listed for Malaga (and some bonus ones)
Marseille park is 20miles from the airport or 4 miles from the town centre. The park webshite is here if you wanna have a click around. Flights are around 85quid at the March/April cross over. Wouldn't be eccstatic about only riding a bowl for a whole week, so if there are any other ideas....speak up! Check here, fecking awesome site.

Ody Marseille vid

Montpellier was also suggested, Ody vid there.
12 January, 2009
Video from some trails near Exeter.
I'm good mates with a couple of chaps in this vid, namely Marcus (big hucking threes) and Josh (crazy flips). Always liked these jumps, good to see they're being shredded to all hell in January.
This weather's f-ing awesome...emigration time.
Marseilles March/April time? Here's their weather stats and Berlin's to compare.
Maybe for around 10 days this time?
They've got a big concrete park havn't they and I'm sure some other stuff too. SleazyJet fly there (Gatwick only).

Still open to other place suggestions though.
09 January, 2009
05 January, 2009
03 January, 2009
Heavy waves on Hawaii North Shore
Alright boys. Hawaii is amazing, you gotta get out here sometime. The feeling on the water is almost spiritual. Today I visited the North Shore to see what a 10-15ft wave looks like in the flesh...
Tomoro I will be back to my comfort zone surfing 3-4ft Waikiki Bay on the South Shore loving the "Aloha" longboard spirit. Saying that my feet are cut to shit from the rocks and disinfectant is my new best friend.
HAPPY NEW YEAR Fleetscene!