30 September, 2008
Malaga Weather - mmmmmm
28 September, 2008
robin and jason and terry went to crawley and horsham on friday.
crawley was super busy, we got videos of some stuff but no photos... here are some from horsham though.

we went to bournemouth snakepark today as well, i think jason is gonna make a wee video. because we all weed on each other. yep.
Malaga snippets peoples....
(good vid, for spots at the least, and a nice lil crash section for those so inclined)
where can i ride my bmx in southern spain, malaga etc
In torremolimos,next to the palace of congress?
in benalmadena there are a few parks for dirt as well as concreat
anyone got a map???
26 September, 2008
Following from Ben's post, watch this Alex Liv's section from Dead Bang. 2nd good reason to buy this video.
If Jason's video post a few days ago was supposedly 'real street' with 'no pussy shit' then what the fuck is this!?
I knew I was watching a truly amazing section when he did an icepickgrind down a double kink rail and it was the most pussy thing in the section.
24 September, 2008
Ok so here it is, a little video quickly put together from the weekend.
Untitled from Jason on Vimeo.
Nick, i did everything you said on Exporting the video but it came out pretty shit. so if maybe you could help us out on getting it a lot better sometime so i can repost a better version that would be ace.
This vid is actually suprisingly awesome quality considering its a shit digital camera, gotta show you guys on my laptop next time i see you.#
Anyway hope you like and thanks to Ben for having us ruin his house lol It was fuckin Epic.
23 September, 2008
Went up to B-dogs place in Bath on Saturday and some shit hot riding went down which Jason will post up soon.
Also had a bit of a house party and lets just say there was a circle-pit in Bens living room when Slipknot came on. Fucking amazing!
Here is a few pics that some dude took when we were at the trails, I got them off his website. Enjoy...

22 September, 2008
Everyone make sure they do their advanced passenger info online! We wouldn't want anyone getting stranded in Luton now would we?
Cheers to Perry, Jason, and Robin for coming to my housewarming. The night itself was pretty god-damn wild, and we got loads of good riding done as well, so I look forward to seeing some of that up here soon.
20 September, 2008
18 September, 2008
Terry Doing the biggest thing ever

He didnt land it but was soooo close you wouldnt believe.
Also as theres 2 spare beds still available in the villa/bmx slum so Terry might be coming along although this is not comfirmed yet, it may be a last minute decission. Hope this is cool and i know a few of know terry but to those who dont he is well sound, He's always getting me to go silly on my bike.
Will got a conformation email through the other day for the palace, er villa/house/bmx slum.
It's 20 euros + £2 bank charge each for the deposit (which I'm sure we'll get back) £15.84 + £2 = £17.82 each for deposit.
130 euros for the 5 days each, currently £102.95.
Will, Pants, Rob and myself are going to Will's house on the Saturday night then getting a lift to the airport via obliging parents early Sunday morning. Then its party time!
See you nice n' early Oct 5th!
17 September, 2008
Continuing the recent ( and very welcome from this author) trails theme, check this out.
yeah. fucking. roy.
16 September, 2008
Like trails?? check this Murray Jam footage. Can anyone say TRAIN.....?
BSD/Dig edit, Dave at OT from BSD on Vimeo.
I wanna go here sooo much.
This guy eats too many shreddies
15 September, 2008
Myself, Perry and Tito went to corby yesterday.
I snapped my cranks half hour into a full day session
Found a profile arm which i used so i ended up with two right side cranks and using a GT pedal, Wicked. Getting some new ones from seventies which is cool so i should be alright before malaga. And on the malaga front i may have a contact with a certain someone in malaga who can show us a fair few spots which may be interesting.
Ok heres alittle of the corby action

Perry and Tito have footjams dialled now

Tito has turndown airs pretty good.

Me doing a table air
And this is my new paint job
The End
12 September, 2008
Wotcher all,
this is a total piss-take. Some lovely stuff in there.
You'll be pleased to know that I've been getting in training for Malaga... albeit at the local bmx track, but riding's riding, right? Remarkable how much your body loses it's 'conditioning' if you don't ride that much.
I can't wait, it's going to be utterly brilliant. And I'm determined to man my riding up somewhat, so watch out fools!
10 September, 2008
09 September, 2008
Will sent the deposit off today and should be with the Spanish lady in 5working days so I presume that means we have a roof over our heads. It must be getting close now, right?
Thanks Will!
The Poo Browner returns!

Did a bunnyhop in the garage...stupid global warming.
Note: regulation seat height has been resumed.
Labels: bmx bum fun
08 September, 2008
has anyone got an old phone theyre selling cheap, mines bust. very grateful if youve got one kicking around
05 September, 2008
Hey Nick/Robin, saw this and thought of you. Send them something, you never know what might happen.
03 September, 2008
A few people've looked for a place to stay already right? I know Jason, Robin, Pants and myself have looked, and while its pretty easy to find places big enough they always turn out to be in neighbouring areas to Malaga. Jenny used her tracking down skills and has already got a reply email from a place that's big enough for us, right in Malaga and is roughly £100 each (260 euros a day for the house between 10) for the time we want (then we need 200euro deposit between us).
Crib. <-- Click and find the pics
This place is all ready to book up if people are happy with it. Yeah? Sounds good to me.
(dvd player - bonus!)
02 September, 2008
It is upsetting knowing that I shall never again make a video as perfect as this.
Ladies and gentlemen, the video you didn't know you were all waiting for....
...I present to you;
Video of crap. from carvebmx on Vimeo.
01 September, 2008
Hips are fun
So the 4th is finished now and is probably the funnest jump there. Hips rule. I tweaked a few 'wrong way' tables during a cheaky Saturday session with Ben before the weekend rain kicked in.
Ben needs a brake as he broke the Olympic long jump record travelling about 10 metres having bailed off the 2nd - aint no Dropsy!
Neil - Xup and table run from neil mac on Vimeo.
Great job builders, I will pick up a spade next time I'm there