26 September, 2008

If Jason's video post a few days ago was supposedly 'real street' with 'no pussy shit' then what the fuck is this!?

I knew I was watching a truly amazing section when he did an icepickgrind down a double kink rail and it was the most pussy thing in the section.



Blogger Nick said...

ze got dead bang the second it came out. sean burns has no fear

1:00 pm

Blogger Ben said...

Ah this is such a brilliant section, I've watched it about 4 times at work today, oops.

Not 100% convinced on the ender, I've probably had that long rail toothpick, or maybe the ledge icepick.

What's happened on the last stack? Does he run away to 'jog it off' or because he's totally fucked the side of his face?

2:57 pm

Blogger RobertGCoe said...

that was just silly.

somebody needs to
A. make me a 'backup' copy of that!
B. i stop being such a pikey, and buy it.
C. for the above to happen i should stop buying things that only make my car more rallye/louder.!

youtube it is!

4:40 pm

Blogger Perry said...

Fucking digusting, I was just sick on my penis. Seans Burns need to be sent to a mental institute.

6:18 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

sean burns is off the fucking chain.

11:51 am


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