10 September, 2008

Get the beers in and fire up the barbie

BBQ o'clock Derby way from carvebmx on Vimeo.


Blogger Ben said...

Yeah roinz.

Carling... why am I not surprised.

8:03 am

Blogger Nick said...

because, assuming youve got good taste in your average brand lagers you'd know that carling is cheap, hasn't got a piss poor percentage and tastes nicer than all other similar competitors

12:37 pm

Blogger Ben said...

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm glad you drink it. The more you drink, the less there is for me to consume by some freakish accident!

The vid was cool as. I bet Harry Main would flair that ramp.

1:54 pm

Blogger Nick said...

i crashed just dropping in on a scooter, awesome turndown on the floor though. its got an evil kink/kick at the bottom of the tranny.

i'd happily buy harry main a 4pack of pint carlings to see a flair on it

4:29 pm

Blogger RobertGCoe said...

Carling is nice.... that ramp looks cool, glad someone did the ramp to 'tramp gap too.

checked Malaga's weather today...

30 degC daytime
21 MINIMUM at night!

Wtf, who wants my return ticket.. im staying there!

4:30 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

that was awesome. wine AND beer. good shout.

7:53 pm

Blogger Supermuff said...

Haha cool video Nick-o-lars :].

8:50 pm


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