28 June, 2008
27 June, 2008
How come our scrap footage doesn't look like this?
Vclub Scrapped June Edit from Vclub Clothing on Vimeo.
26 June, 2008
Dropsy is a trails monster.
Sheeeeeeeerbob - Scerbo's well good, well his older riding was awesome like this
Bob Scerbo's part from PARTS. from Glenn PP Milligan on Vimeo.
23 June, 2008
I just saw a video trailer that uses the same song that I've used for the credits in Berlin. Homos. I hope you haven't seen the trailer too, you probably have...
Video is rolling along nicely, especially now I've got the hang of After Effects more (its an AMAZING piece of software that you can do anything ever on).
"What the hell have you been doing so far?"
Main video sections all finished, colour and audio balanced
Credits section laid out
3 Extra sections done
First half of the intro done
A hell of a lot of time working in Photoshop
Sooooooo, what have we got left;
Finish 2nd half of intro
Colour and audio balance a couple of sections
2 More extra sections
Create DVD menus
Author DVD
Bit more Photoshop time making artwork/covers looking nice
I'm gona say it should be done in 3 weeks time, if its earlier - bonus! If its later...sorry!
22 June, 2008
I had an idea of a trip which shouldnt cost us tooo much money, seeing as no one is really up for bremen again or barca i thought we could do a road trip in the uk and maybe do the train trip we were thinking of next year.
Anyone with me so far????
I really wanna go to the board masters this year which is taking place on the 9th August, so i thought maybe bring this into the trip for a break from riding, relax on the beach seeing some gnarly bmx moves go down, watch surfing and check out the talent on the beach :D
any other ideas or parks you would like to go to?
Thats if your up for it :S
20 June, 2008
18 June, 2008
16 June, 2008
13 June, 2008
Hey guys, my first post on the greatest website in the world! Gonna get inked up on tuesday, aka having a tattoo, I'll get a pic up when it's done and if I can work out how. It's my own design and is sick as greebos!
Labels: Virgin
10 June, 2008
Check out this video, featuring old School footage of the B-list guys (Kris Forge, Mayo, etc) from way back when. No footed half bars, amazing! Nicked from Kris's website.
05 June, 2008
From Manchester with love
You know the guestbook is dead when you start flicking through the archive at year-old posts....
I have officially finished uni as of yesterday. Obviously got shitfaced, returned at 5am, perfect level on drunkenness maintained from 6pm onwards, and I still remember everything! RESULT.
Anyway I've decided that hungover riding is the way forward and the best way to push airs higher. No riding for the past month, so was pretty happy with these....
Session didn't last long. Riding without your mates is shit, and skatepark was full of young kids including a 13 year old who was about 2ft tall and smoking...seriously WTF?! Made me feel old, oh and the alcohol shakes started to kick in.
Anyway I'm moving home on Tues, then off to China for a month to see crazy ginger Dave Evans next Sunday (15th June). Stunting upon my return (trails?! Please?!), and I feel a trip to see Ben in his new location is necessary.
04 June, 2008
aye aye whats this then watch roadfools and props issues for £1.50ish ($2.99) for 2 days
mike taylor street edit from michael taylor on Vimeo.
ridings all good but one clip in particular is awesome (im sure its been done before but no other cases stand out) dialled on that rail.