23 February, 2007

Neil breaks riding drought!

Word Fleetscene. Went riding properly for the first time in 6 weeks last night. Beautiful evening, rode many kilometres. Aimed to just blast some airs at a bowl, but got distracted on the way by some rubbish street.

Tiny gap, hopping over a curb/low wall into curb slope. Crap but fun.

Clouds in Australia look so good. Overcast grey skies that are so common at home are rare.

There was a cool sunset. I took a photo:

By the time I got to the bowl it was dark. Blasted a few airs anyway. Got a "Yeahhh" from some boarder. I left happy.



Blogger Ben said...

Yeah boieee! Back in the game.

Neil email me your questionnaire and I'll put it up.

12:35 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

sweet deals.

5:45 pm

Blogger Nick said...

i cant believe you went 6weeks without riding?! good to be back?

12:31 am

Blogger Neil Mac said...

Yeh defo. Well I was away travelling for 4 weeks and there was no way I could take my bike, then I lost my helmet on the piss and was working loads so couldn't really ride. Got my uni timetable this week - Mondays, Tuesdays and Fri afternoons off....so it's safe to say the riding drought won't be repeated!

1:43 pm


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