30 November, 2006

Oh Dear.

I'll tell you about the good stuff first.

Mr. Ridge was there, and not only did I get to witness his riding, I also go to witness his rage. Superb. He was trying the same trick for most of the night, a fakie air on a 7ft, rollback to pegs on the spine, to fakie, to whip hop on the bank. Got it in the end, skills.

Phil Aller was also there, and he's pretty useful. Some nice 3's over the volcano, of the x-up, invert, turndown, and truckdriver variety. I also saw him do tailwhip to manual round the corner of the bowl, straight into a tailwhip to icepick to tyretap, and back in. Not at all bad.

Tom's mate Olby was also rather good, came very close to truckdriver bunnyhops, but otherwise had good stuff all over the place. Managed wallr die to barspin, lots of spine combo stuff, and a truckdriver to fakie on the bank. Tom just smashed the shit out of everything, had nice over to smiths on the volcano, and 270 to opposite smith in the bowl.

Josh rode really well, especially at the end, getting X-up pedal stalls on the sub, 360s over the volcano, big wallrides out of the little quarter in the corner, and wallride to x-down out of the bank, and nice tuck no-handers over the volcano as well. Will alsoo in my eyes had the line of the day; transfer out of the 7ft, into a curved wall way up high, then out if it into the bank, skills.

As for myself, on my second visit to the bowl I pulled away from the verywall quarter, went straight to flat, and smashed a fair bit off my two front teeth. Excellent start. After that I rode sporadically, Managed to 180 the volcano, didn't really do anything exciting. Then at the end of the session I decided to twist the volcano, looped out like a pro and my left knee and elbow took a fair whack. The knee is now quite large and hard to walk on, I'm worried it's more than just bruising.

That's the last time I write about my social calender on this website, because I'll look like an inbred hick for all of it now!


29 November, 2006


Whatever you're doing can most likely wait 15 minutes and 1 second.

Take 15 minutes and 1 second of your life to go here and watch a 15 minutes and 1 second advert for Joe Cox's new project "Tomorrow We Work". Dan Cox has got very good on his new backwards hub and the video looks superb. Did I mention that its 15 minutes and 1 second?

15 minutes and 1 second of legitimately free bmx advert, what's the world coming to.

Woop woop.

Going to the legendary Ridge Cave in Bridport tonight, should be cool. Apparently it's PROPER TINY but heaps of fun, so hopefully I'll clock some footy for this fantastic website.

On Friday, I'm going to the most exclusive ball ever, the law ball, at a 5 star hotel. It's costing £15,000 and 200 people are going. On Sunday, I'm doing the Topsham Ten. A week on Sunday, I'll be Skiing in the French Alps. Just thought you should know my social calendar.

BOSCH. I love emboldening.


28 November, 2006

nob head <----hahahaha!

dont reckon the camera angle was the best but hey

(watching it at 50% gives better quality)

25 November, 2006

Just some pointless facts which made me laugh

out of 71 bmxers from the uk and usa, the people that took longest to fill the questionnaire out were nobin and jason, both of whom took over 7min. This made me laugh, both were obviously furiously myspacing at the time and most likely answered one question each time they were waiting for hot emo girls' photos to load

while the survey was on streetphire most riders rode street and were brakeless, as soon as it went on ride forum and bike guide the majority became park riders with a brake ahh trends

people seem not to have a preference for lightweight or strength both were pretty consistent throughout the survey, surprising really I would've thought most people would go for strength

the most wanted frame seemed to be fit's, not sure how much fitlife influenced this decision but I can say that I am liking their frames more which is a change from never wanting to own one

one guy reeled off a big old list of parts he broke then added a note apologizing for his spelling as it was "3am and he was really hammered"

24 November, 2006

Backwards stunts

23 November, 2006

After... oohh I dunno, five years, finally pulling a flatland whip is an interesting experience.
My time came after having been off bmx for a couple of months, and having not really tried them for a long time. A relatively lazy street session (after a couple of pints) and about the fourth attempt, and for some reason the pedals end up under my feet and I roll away, about 5 seconds later realising what happenned!

Hopefully the next time I go riding I'll pull a real tailwhip fourth try, not really thinking much about it. You never know!


22 November, 2006

Me again!

Could you guys fill in this short questionnaire about frames for my uni project, takes 2 minutes.

Take Survey!

Cheers boys


Ben'll be doing these in no time. Looks a little trials to me.

The Barcelona dvd is done and rocks in at a respectable 40min including extras - forget what 'previews' you may have seen on my laptop, get one of these bad boys on your tv and the video quality is very impressive (think professional releases), crank the volume and watch the likes of Rob, Flip, Paolo, Ze and the rest throw down some good stunts.

To get your mits on a copy send (or paypal me) £2 to:

103 Stepping Lane

And I'll post you out a copy straight away.

20 November, 2006

Back. (probably the worst one I did all day, but still.)


Front. (This was my 4th one, my second one went 3/4s round but my bars hit me on the head and ripped my lid off. Foam pits are danger!)


Also rode St. Georges and jumped that big concrete double. Much pedalling required. Got some decent twizzles over motion's box, which was cool. Had about 5 goes at the spine 180 but it kicked my ass, each time couldn't pull the pissing rollback.

Josh was riding well, nice 3s over the box, was shooting the Bs as well, but the shot never quite hit the target. Marlborough Pete and Colum Walshe were shitting themselves just watching it.

I think it was Del... managed to do a perfect whip over the spine. silly.

Motion's also changed a bit, there's now a ledge running down the right hand side of the jumpbox, and the vertwall has bene cut down to a six foot quarter, with the vert bit being placed inbetween the slanted wallride and the proper wallride, off the spine quarter.


17 November, 2006

quickie. i learned how to do to oppy tables in airs. look. paddy clicked.

14 November, 2006

Trail ho's check this Mutiny Vid takes aggggggggggges to load since its on Joe Simon's HD camera and dear god is the quality good. Talking to Gav today about HD cameras filming and just general bmx video type market, quite interesting.

All Barca sections are done, some how need to work out how to author a DVD so if anyone one knows websites point me in the right direction.

10 November, 2006

Well... no-one really wondered why he just got signed to premium, but in case you needed some justification...


(Nicked from i3mx)

Jake's got STUNTS.


09 November, 2006


paddy and robin went on a fleet street sesh. uncovered some killer spots... or something. then hit the park. paddy took photos with one of robin's lenses. here is the footy:

wall hop. there was a dip right before the wall which made it a bit fresh.

kerb bonk to wallride.

grindbox manual, first go. click.

driveway grindbox hop boost.

opposite table...

regular table

06 November, 2006

random shot update

here are some recent film and digital shots.
fleet: alex busting a nice downtable.
rom: jason and jon busting some nice uptables, and jon going REALLY FAST down the snakerun.