29 November, 2006

Woop woop.

Going to the legendary Ridge Cave in Bridport tonight, should be cool. Apparently it's PROPER TINY but heaps of fun, so hopefully I'll clock some footy for this fantastic website.

On Friday, I'm going to the most exclusive ball ever, the law ball, at a 5 star hotel. It's costing £15,000 and 200 people are going. On Sunday, I'm doing the Topsham Ten. A week on Sunday, I'll be Skiing in the French Alps. Just thought you should know my social calendar.

BOSCH. I love emboldening.



Blogger Nick said...

ridge's park always looks cool, was the angry man himself there? i've entered all those dates into my diary, i can't bare not knowing other people's social calenders. bold

6:49 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

nice emboldening. man.

8:22 pm


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