14 April, 2006

what the fuck mate im so fuckin pisesed lkike you wouyldnt belive in some hostel shit. ive fuckin taped up my arm so i can ride a bit but its givin me hell. everyoner else is shredin like the cunts that they are. barcelonca kcks the donkeys bnollocks theres so much to ride and cheap beer like. mTE. FUCKED. rode those banked 20ft ft tsll tranny walls todayy treat. love it i think ewere going to sum irish pub now a,lagyers byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

love nick ne all


Blogger Ben said...

Who's pissed? Nick's pissed. Who's in Barca? Nick's in Barca... damn Nick.

Hope the wrist ain't too much bother negro.

10:44 pm

Blogger Nick said...

mate. im gona put out a fucking good stack section fo sho. (not me personally stacking¡, bee ntaking a it a bit easy) but the amount of full on goo stakcs wver had on video gona be good and fuckin banger good tricks n all. we just bee n out al night talking t otrannys n shit everyones offering a blow job for fuck knows nothing euros but the club here are cunts 5 euroisas a bottle you fucking rite mate???? bwtf

pissed tho all good, seriosu there was sum slag tonight that ful on went around EVERY person in out group at y¡this club, flip eneded up fucikiin sum frencha gal down an alley way an i had my pic ytaken wiv a mike aitken look lalike

too psissed to ytpyre pronbaly goin bed laters.

u guys rock - BELIVE

miss ridin wiv u

nick kisses?????? nah boss

3:27 am

Blogger Ben said...

Hahahahaha. That's awesome.

5:16 pm


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