had a pretty ace day in bristol on monday with elky, cam, and jake. cruised down there in elky's big bastard car and sessioned hengrove then motion. riding the foam pit at motion was fun, i learned flips. i twisted some more spines too.. it was a real giggle. cam was obviously doing amazing stuff all over the shop, jake did some wicked stuff too and elky was absolutely blasting the midi at motion. i got loads of shots of the boys, some are up on my deviantart page.
went to arra [harrow] with neil and jason today. pretty cool, really nice sunny day, loads of chocolate doughnuts from the cornershop, gored myself up for the camera boosting a hip, neil was trying lookbacks and opposite tables - they pretty hottt, jason was flowing around brakeless rolling on new paintwork. then we went and had a look at the trails, utter madness, so many lines, so big. local stuart keeping it fresh, quitting his job to dig for the summer. then a quick sesh at southwood trails on the way home. check the pics from harrow..

Yeeeaaahhh Nelly.
10:31 pm
neil you marble ledge, lookbacca. need to sort your head out a bit maybe by looking back..? but yeah get your head turned and itll be bang on.
tables pretty cool n'all
some good snaps there
10:34 am
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