yes yes yes.
went to woking today, it was fun until some guy decided to ride completely naked... then it rained so he thought the best idea was to go swimming in a manky pond. yuss. we left and went to farnborough again and i learned some new stunts! i finally got walltaps after a long fear, and then when i was riding the spine some farnbrr boys with gayrags convinced me to 'spin it'. yay spine 360s! pretty happy with that.
yesterday was ace too, ben got out the 180's over farnbrr spine - they were hecking sweet, and was well close to 540-ing his 85 mile long frame on the extension.. hot stuff. fraser's a faggot.
here are some photos from yesterday...
ben spine 180

trouble boys...

ben bustin' out flatty tables

jonny had some nice airs on the midi

ben had some fashionable airs on the midi

Gayrags? Are these the key to learning new things? Eh?
7:19 pm
I wouldve thought the naked guy running through a park and bathing in filth would be hte highlight of the day - far better than some poncey wallride on some shit 3ft.
Bens riding on the mini is schweet and I bum Nobin's photos too.
Turns out I can only ride Fbro 2 times (next saturday and sunday) before I break up for the summer, so make sure you're around!!
7:34 pm
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