29 March, 2006

Oh my Gash. Spent the day in London with a couple of young Petersens... I'm feggin' knackered now but it was super-fun. We did the Science Museum, Leicester Square, the Natural History Museum, Trafalgar Square, and Buckingham Palace. Fun times were had, there was even some dinosaur groping.

Anyhow, it's dry tomorrow (thurs.) and Friday so if anyone is available and wants to ride, 'holla at yo boi.'




Blogger Nick said...

I want to ride boro.

I couldn't tell if you were being sarcastic about the museums but sounds alright, did you see any Rick Thorne STREET STREET STREET while you were there? Wouldn't mind a street mish to Londinium at some point.

9:40 pm

Blogger Ben said...

Nah not much, didn't venture down South Bank area or anything but that MUST be done, probably next time we go to 'arra' or summat.

10:14 pm


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