As promised, some stuff from Winklebury t'other day. Myself and Mcgregor rode it again today, so some more stuff should be going up soon as well. Anyhow, here's two sequences of Nobin doing textbook threes over the spine, shot by me, P-shopped together by Nobin.

Nicely nosed, taking plenty of speed out of them... basically the opposite of my efforts. Still, no point in having a back brake and a drivetrain if you don't use them haha.
basically cunt- if u can spin a three over a spine u can spin a three over a fucking 20 ft gap......maybe......may hjave to have sum beers first to facliatyate thus psinning adveture but when done willl be loeverd by evberyone. fact. bnot pissed nick sign out
1:08 am
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