You may remember that picture of a land rover driving down an enormous dirt pipe I posted a while ago. Well, red bull held a comp there, and you can watch the videos here.
26 May, 2008
I'm going to have a bitch about it. Firstly, those videos are shocking. You can't see anyone's full run. The longest clip is what, 5 seconds? Ridiculous.
Secondly, since when did a halfpipe consist of hips and wallrides? I saw one rider do an air in the footage. The whole thing seems to have missed the point of itself. Yeah yeah it's an amazing feat, and yeah Red Bull are legends for doing it, but it seems to have been turned into a slightly bizarre dirt jump contest, rather than "the worlds first dirt halfpipe comp" as it was billed.
Anyone with me?
25 May, 2008
Matt's friend Jasper made this edit of Wirksworth park and step up.
Wirksworth from Jasper on Vimeo.
Should get everyone up here some weekend (or weekdays im not fussy) ride a park one day, ride some street the next, few drinks get some stuff filmed.
21 May, 2008
18 May, 2008
There's a load of vids from Horsham / Southwater a few months back on Jason's vimeo that I didn't know he'd put up.
here's the link to the first one, keep going right.
We should go back to southwater soon, that ramp deserves more shredding!
16 May, 2008
Stolen from BMX online....
Big cojones and savage bails jumping cars for the old DK adverts. About 1/3 of the way through, the dude on the cruiser, nosedive/nose manual lander...can you imagine the adrenaline afterwards??!!
15 May, 2008

BCN 08 from carvebmx on Vimeo.
HOURS of work went into this, produced over 1week and 2days, hope you enjoy. I chose to do this before the Berlin one as it was a less ambitious project and once this was out the way I could concentrate fully on Berlin (plus job hunting at the same time euurgh). Hoping to make a real good, professional Berlin vid, unfortunately that means time - insert Guinness slogan here. Hope you guys understand.
You can download a better version which is slightly larger and higher quality off the vimeo page. Please let me know what you like about the flick and more importantly what you don't, also keep any ideas or song choices coming in.
ps. Iron Man is actually really good, pulls off being funny as well as serious and has special effects I couldn't comprehend thinking about how they did.
12 May, 2008
YEAH ROY! trailer.
(Yes, it's on facebook for some silly reason.)
11 May, 2008
i like to hop.

robin takes credit for this line, well fun if you hit it flat out! photo: gav

rail pop, this one was for the video camera just after i'd crashed straight on my hand which is why it looks gopping but i didn't want to do it again. photo: gav
nice and sunny today so i got dragged away from making videos to go ride our "skatepark". to be fair it does have about 3 awesome flyouts if you can stomach rank landings. markeaton pop photo: will
unrelated news that made me well happy this week: in Tomorrow We Work, Joe Cox nose manuals - gaps - nose manuals these blocks in spain, the second has analmatico carved into the stone as a serious word. then noticed ruben rides it in grounded too. made my week!

rail pop, this one was for the video camera just after i'd crashed straight on my hand which is why it looks gopping but i didn't want to do it again. photo: gav
unrelated news that made me well happy this week: in Tomorrow We Work, Joe Cox nose manuals - gaps - nose manuals these blocks in spain, the second has analmatico carved into the stone as a serious word. then noticed ruben rides it in grounded too. made my week!
09 May, 2008
08 May, 2008
In the bmx section of Dunk's website, there's a sequence of someone doing a barrel roll flyout at harrow. None of this kicked-out backflip mtb shit, a proper barrel roll. The fact that it's a flyout at harrow makes it all the more awesome! Click the link on the right.
07 May, 2008
guildford last sunday -
jason can air the big quarter with the horrible transition so nice. i'm well jealous. i couldn't ride it like this:

did a rail hop in the college. both photos look like we're gonna hang up hardcore! we didn't.

went to the travelodge. gayson wanted to do the rail but couldn't man up enough to go down it. some blokeys were giving him advice!

but yeah he just hopped it instead.

footjam whip at the cathederal!

we both did this big fun gap in the university of surrey. it was rad. gap off the top of the steps down to the bank at the bottom. big fun.

uni of surrey has some rad spots... SO MANY stairsets, all different sizes, some with banks up them, some with perfect walls to wallride down...

360 up

this spot is genius. up 2 banks to rail hop. need lots of speed but this is possible.

03 May, 2008
Hello all.
Tom and I rode Amazingstoke yesterday, which must be the first time in 3 years or so. The new bits are pretty cool, you can sort of flow around the park now. I no longer feel like I have to crank my arse off to clear the 'death box'. Our riding was fairly lame though, both of us floundered around hopelessly on the sub box, hence no media. It always seems to happen when two people go riding; one stagnates and the other guy follows his lead. Big groups are the way forward.
Anyway after that we went and fixed Tom's Range Rover, then went off to some woods near Bordon. Tom went up and down some totally ridiculous things there. Basically the car will look at an obstacle, make a fuck load of noise and tear up vast amounts of ground, and all of a sudden the obstacle is behind you. So awesome. When I figure out how to bluetooth the videos onto the the mac from my phone, I'll put them up here.
Less awesome was breaking down on a busy road in Farnham on the way home during rush hour. Ah well, if you pay £300 for a car which originally cost over £30,000, you can kind of expect that.
On a side note - does anyone still look at prettyshady? I used to go on there all the time to read the salt on the board and things like that. I still check in now though because it's full of really cool photos from France. the photos themselves normally aren't amazing, but they always give a sense of a really carefree, idyllic lifestyle that the guy Joe seems to be living in France. Have a look.
Fuck.My.Balls. (appeared to be the saying of the trip)
Barca was real fun! I'll write something tomorrow at some point I guess. I tried texting you back Robin but was informed by MoviStar (spanish network i presume) that I only had 3p.
Got back now, just before 2 and indeed have a couple of prints, cd of photos, some uber8 to watch and my copy of Tomorrow We Work - excellent!