
BCN 08 from carvebmx on Vimeo.
HOURS of work went into this, produced over 1week and 2days, hope you enjoy. I chose to do this before the Berlin one as it was a less ambitious project and once this was out the way I could concentrate fully on Berlin (plus job hunting at the same time euurgh). Hoping to make a real good, professional Berlin vid, unfortunately that means time - insert Guinness slogan here. Hope you guys understand.
You can download a better version which is slightly larger and higher quality off the vimeo page. Please let me know what you like about the flick and more importantly what you don't, also keep any ideas or song choices coming in.
ps. Iron Man is actually really good, pulls off being funny as well as serious and has special effects I couldn't comprehend thinking about how they did.
Yeah really like it. Nice, clean, easy-paced video. Good music, good riding, blue skies. Sweet.
11:42 am
Yeh I watched Iron Man too - wasn't at all up for it but thanks to the joys of 'Orange Wednesdays' thought "f-k it" and went anyway. Good film. Like the way the film focused more on the story behind the superpower, rather "look at me I have superpowers" for the whole film.
Haven't watched vid yet, will let you know when I get home and can watch with sound.
Good luck on the job hunt!
4:04 pm
well i thought that was pretty god damn rad. well done man, quality video. i liked the shots and very impressed with the editing...
5:33 pm
Really good video nick, the widescreen makes it so much more awesome, i think it really makes bmx videos feel and look so much more better. you can deff tell that its a really chilled out trip with the mood of music used and the smooth use of camera work.
bad points, im not sure after watching it once ill give it a few more goes and see if i can come up with anything.
8:04 pm
Too many bmxers not enough hoes.
8:23 pm
god damn good point pearson senior. there were in fact 7 girls on the trip so i cant imagine why they dont feature. id have words with the camera operators and editor if i were you.
we did spend a day at the beach where there were more than a few ladies sunbathing topless. excellent.
11:16 pm
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