29 May, 2007
27 May, 2007
This video is so so so so good, V-Club Over Exposed. Getting this bad boy on dvd when i have some cash.
26 May, 2007
http://www.lotekbrand.com has taken on the appearence of an online photo / flip book. Pretty cool, good shots in there like.
24 May, 2007
I just had THE best day ever.
Mental party the night before "what's a knife?" to the police on why one had turned up in the neighbours garden along with our fence getting trashed our bush being bunted off the shed into and the bird table being launched 2 gardens down. pass out at 4, get woken up at 6. go to 'spoons for breakfast at 10
ride loads of spots in derby with ben just pissing around still pissed as a fart, end up miles away meeting a spam man and finding new rails. ride off hangover in the sun.
get back to house, fix fence while having a bbq. then go riding with the derby boys, ride three spots at the uni and before getting kicked out by an angry lecturer (pants doing an up rail SO loud). the lecturer then became apologetic when we blagged it was for a project and suggested that we shoot a shot at a park and super impose the rider on a street shot - the mans a fegging genius! why didnt we think of that... Leon was testing his new baby D200 i think? here are the snaps
wind down with a markeaton little concrete park sesh. crank back to house and head off to 'spoons for curry night with house mates.
life is good.
soon, so soon
20 May, 2007
19 May, 2007

I'd imagine the video is going to be epic (if its not i may very well quite actually burst into tears). you boys wana come oop rain town and travel up to manc to watch? maybe all in one go, maybe with some riding days either side?
in unrelated news: having lost a lot of control over my laptop, including the ability to summon task manager with ctrl alt delete, i downloaded and ran some new virus software. results - 670 infected and/or virus files. oh good.
practice safe browsing, ALWAYS stretch a condom over your computer whilst looking at porn.
17 May, 2007
second attempt at posting caleb's section
also happy BIRTHday (think about it.....eww) to 'bin - get trashed
Edgworth is better than youuuu...
Lima's fairly respectable as well.
16 May, 2007
Check the S&M video out.
Double barspin down a stair set what the actual fuck!!!!
14 May, 2007
13 May, 2007
12 May, 2007
ok the main bulk of my dissertation was concerned with designing a new bmx frame with unique new features.
the week before drawing my designs on CAD i read an article by Gsport george about a splined fork steerer/stem system that i was going to do.
the DAY after i handed my dissertation in im flicking through WTP site and find out the Millar Lite uses the 'unique' downtube that my frame used (thicker tube wall on the bottom, thinner on top) to prevent denting.
and now today i read in Ride that Haro are releasing a frame with removable brakemounts like my frame had AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGHH
the main features of my 'unique' frame have been done before or are about to be done. wankers.
11 May, 2007
Volume have put together an edit just for Ben it seems. Head over to Volume bikes to watch 'The Best Of Jason Enns', takes ages to load so go make a pizza or something.
Check out them landings....oooh yus.
10 May, 2007
Chicksands Pictures From when me and cam went last Friday
This set was the middle line and the little set was situated to the right of this, the first was a really long set up jump then after 2 really short but steep as fuck take offs. I managed to do this set towards the end of the day brakeless, what a mistake. First time was perfect and got threw them so smooth and high (scary) then 2nd time i went a little fast and decided to pull out after the 1st and ended up going half up the take off to the side and landing on my chest. HURT.
The 2 main Jumps of the set.
Little set to the right:
Good fun this line but wasnt well maintained at all and un-trickable, landings were bumpy.
Big line:
This line was Nuts, the take offs were steep and huge and the gaps were miles long.
Didnt see anyone jump the middle and left line all day which sucked cos i wouldnt have minded seeing some one go wild over them but oh well. I do suggest take a brake if u go.
07 May, 2007
06 May, 2007
The AgenderBmxSite has some videos on it, the skateplaza which i assume is in York looks well good. Theres also a video of some park in Manchester that has a bowl but made with flatbanks - thats my kinda bowl!
05 May, 2007
Go Here (9 To 5 Films) and watch the first video 'Current Demo Reel' from the middle column. Absolutely stunning, takes TIME to make stuff like that.
04 May, 2007
When reading this post on the Ride uk site;
I was struck by the description of Ruben Alcantara:
"Easily one of the best European riders ever..."
Take the word European out of that sentance and you're getting there. Whoever is guilty of writing that rubbish deserves a slap. Stupid fucking yank, go and watch Forward.
Also, congratulations to Neil for serving one of the finer musicians to grace this Earth, and my own personal idol, in his restaurant recently. That's just amazing.