10 May, 2007

Chicksands Pictures From when me and cam went last Friday

This set was the middle line and the little set was situated to the right of this, the first was a really long set up jump then after 2 really short but steep as fuck take offs. I managed to do this set towards the end of the day brakeless, what a mistake. First time was perfect and got threw them so smooth and high (scary) then 2nd time i went a little fast and decided to pull out after the 1st and ended up going half up the take off to the side and landing on my chest. HURT.

The 2 main Jumps of the set.

Little set to the right:

Good fun this line but wasnt well maintained at all and un-trickable, landings were bumpy.

Big line:

This line was Nuts, the take offs were steep and huge and the gaps were miles long.

Didnt see anyone jump the middle and left line all day which sucked cos i wouldnt have minded seeing some one go wild over them but oh well. I do suggest take a brake if u go.


Blogger Nick said...

looks pretty cool oh yus, some of them take offs looks steep as fook

12:00 am

Blogger Neil Mac said...

Shit the bed! They look fun, but scary. Reckon there's a few bails to be had there.

Attempted a new feat the other day; after an all-day session in the library I needed an adrenaline buzz to relieve the boredom. Went to spot by uni and a step set I've been eying up for ages.

A whole 3 steps...my biggest 180 yet. Quite embarassing how many times I rolled up and pussied it. Anyway attempts not too disastrous until I got lazy, landed in a backwards manual to fakie rolly-polly, to bike fall on top of me. Pretty funny, and expert timing just as a tram full of commuters went past.

Didn't manage to pull it after that coz I was shaking so bad with adrenaline I had to go home.


12:39 am

Blogger Nick said...

its all about sessioning 3 steps, gotta do some opposite 180s now

10:54 am

Blogger ronbin said...


1:27 pm


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