08 October, 2006


8th october 2006: well then!

last night, nick jason and i assembled the wallride from wood that jason and i had been stealing every night for the last week. some chavvy types decided to kick it down later, twats. jason and i went up there at 9 this morning and got to work with screws and nails, making the thing like a fortress. it was darn solid i tell you! here's jason with our almost finished wallride castle this morning:

people started turning up at around 12. pretty soon after that, darren was trying whip-to-taps and dislocated his ankle... shitluck. it was horrid. they gave him lots of drugs and he seemed to be pretty much off his tit by the time the ambulance took him to hospital. he smiled when his girl arrived:
nope, definitely not right...
pretty much all the fleet boys learned how to wallride on our creation! which was awesome. good to help out like. we had a bbq behind the mini... here's nick getting his smokey wallride on:
much fun was had with trolley jumps. i got in the thing for a bit, it was pretty scary:
sam and jonny got topless:
jonny wallrides:
so, the session was good, but quite chilled. that was until sam decided to flip the box! pretty damn good first go! did another one then sent some from the flyout. jonny did some on the flyout too, bloody good stuff. i flipped the box. didn't work out so well, i needed more speed really. managed to frig up my knee a bit (through jeans and knee pad. damn my stem is pretty hard!) i'm sure there will be videos up here soon... here's sam's first ever skatepark flip:
we had to take the wallride down because the council are clowns. but we are getting the ball rolling with park improvements, organising lots of events for next year hopefully. we just have to show we're committed. with more jams like this i think we'll be onto a winner..


Blogger Ben said...

You flipped the box?! What are you, some kind of dick!?

10:23 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

pretty much. i felt inspired..

10:26 pm

Blogger Neil Mac said...

Nobin, I like the way you so casually mention flipping the box!! You nutcase! Ultimate respect. Even if u didn't make it I can picture it still looking stylish. Bar stuard

Also, quite how u can have a BBQ and 'end of summer jam' in October is beyond me. Has global warming suddenly kicked in over the British Isles in my absence? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't October normally cold, wet and generally depressing??

6:44 am

Blogger ronbin said...

haha yeah, it turned out to be a really nice day. i need to flip it properly, i caught my front wheel on the top because i didnt get enough air, the spin was there and i committed to it so i reckon i can get it soon...

3:37 pm

Blogger Nick said...

best 36 quid i ever spent coming down this weekend, ghetto ramps were sick. nobin missed the old skool top side footplant session me n perry were having.

props to all the fleet bois that sent it upside down ill do my best to get the footy on 'ere soonish (but i got hench loads of work plus barca dvd to finish)

ben nobin n jason up for fleet sesh next weekend - bosh

9:25 pm

Blogger Ben said...

Yeah BANG! I'm there. Good to hear you'll be down.

1:28 am


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