Today I rediscovered BMX
Alright boys! After generally not enjoying BMX since being in Australia, today it's safe to say I got the 'buzz' back.
Sod street, sod skateparks, TRAILS ARE WHERE IT'S AT.
Travelled 2 hours on a train into the Aussie countryside to some random town called Bendigo for a trail jam. I arrived late and by this stage the barbie was going, beers flowing and riders getting heckled on the big sets. The 'filth' made a brief visit to take home some drunk underage kids, but this didn't spoil the fun.
From a spectators point of view some big stuff went down. Given that there was nothing but pride at stake (no money, no prizes) the turnout of riders/country fruitcakes was impressive. To see a decade and 720 get pulled at a small event like this rocked.
Sod street, sod skateparks, TRAILS ARE WHERE IT'S AT.
Travelled 2 hours on a train into the Aussie countryside to some random town called Bendigo for a trail jam. I arrived late and by this stage the barbie was going, beers flowing and riders getting heckled on the big sets. The 'filth' made a brief visit to take home some drunk underage kids, but this didn't spoil the fun.
From a spectators point of view some big stuff went down. Given that there was nothing but pride at stake (no money, no prizes) the turnout of riders/country fruitcakes was impressive. To see a decade and 720 get pulled at a small event like this rocked.
I have a new digital camera now folks, so crank the speakers on this one, we have sound!
I have a new digital camera now folks, so crank the speakers on this one, we have sound!
To keep the street kids happy there was a ghetto ramp/rail comp later in the day. This area was adjacent to the sofas and drunks, so the quality of heckling stepped up a notch. Amongst some comedy rail attempts some genuine street bombs were dropped.
For me, the trails were a treat. This town hasn't had a proper rainfall for 6 years, so the dirt was hard as my back wheel/wrists found out on numerous occasions!! Yes, even when you're on the other side of the world some things don't change. Nose bonks, 'double dongs', good old fashioned case to ball ride and some spectacularly successful bails went down on more than a few occasions by my badsel,f as I got used to riding mud jumps after a shamefully long break.
The back line was pretty steep and kicky. The run up wasn't ideal so I was happy to get to the 6th on my best effort. This is the great thing about trails - the challenge! No tricks, no spins, no grinding, no shit; just having fun riding a bike in the air. I''l definitely be heading back soon and who knows, maybe in a few trips I'll grow some balls and try the big sets...

Like so many days at Velmead/Tweseldown, fire became the other form of entertainment and this marked the end of the jam. I left to catch the train back, the 'filth' returned and a wild night in Bendigo ensued.
Moral of the story? RIDE MORE TRAILS
Moral of the story? RIDE MORE TRAILS

Yeah Neil! Cool update. Those trails look amazing, especially that "back line", phwoarrr.
5:03 pm
good shizzle isnt it.
6:25 pm
them dirt jump boxes look hella steep and whats up with the gaps in the middle?! props for them i lost rectal control just looking at them
11:01 pm
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