27 April, 2006

My wallets unhappy but my bike's snappy

300 pounds lighter and ive got an fbm (mother fuckers!) in er........ orange.

its brakeless and has a backend of 13.25 just a number to some? but 13.25" is the shortest backend on a frame ive ever seen, everyones been manualing it and flipping straight off the back.

did a pick up barspin was was surprised to find i caught it and still had the front wheel in the air, try again and barspin, catch, manual. nice.

ben'll have a field day with this colour

Archetype do tshirts to match your bike, flashes make them look different though


Blogger Nick said...

ben can do hop barspins now, what a git.

i wont be far behind you ben, ill learn em if it kills me

11:23 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

weyy skippar! looks good! oww i want a new frame.

10:00 am


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