22 April, 2006

slides from last week -
cruising in style

' nother neilbacker

check out those curves...


blossom outside arra

harrow trails

sunset at fleet

ben crooks at winklebury

ben started taking photos with my camera and flashy... me table air

getting my walltappers on


Blogger Neil Mac said...

Woah! Now I see why Ben says that he 'bum's Nobin's photography'. The pictures are amazing. Nice Fenchurch advert copies too. That lookback picture DEFINES action shots. You've timed it perfectly and even managed to cover up the trick a little to still make a not fully-clicked lookback picture look rad. Take a bow Nobin. Nice one!

11:59 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

thanks neil. glad you like the shots. bow.

2:50 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

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2:50 pm

Blogger Nick said...

old knob in's pretty consistant with his wall tail taps. look at the rear wheel in each of them, theyre pretty much in the same place each time.

6:33 pm


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