29 January, 2012

this is sick.

LUC LEGRAND ANIMAL from Antoine Sabourin on Vimeo.


Blogger Ben said...

Yeah this is really impressive. Mostly filmed in La Rochelle too. Maybe we wrote it off too soon?

6:47 pm

Blogger ronbin said...


7:21 pm

Blogger Ben said...

Filming, editing, and song choice is what sets this apart from the rest I think.

9:15 pm

Blogger Nick said...

Defo wrote it off too soon!

I reckon the riding spoke louder than the filming and editing, both decent too though.

Riding was pretty creative

12:32 pm

Blogger Ben said...

It was the few shots of the rider's reaction to pulling the trick which gave it an edge I think. Gave the viewer an insight into his personality.

I also bought the album after watching this for the second time.

1:15 pm


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