22 August, 2011

Sunday Spot. The previous evening, Perry went to Robin's house and picked up Robin's bike and camera bag, while Nick and Robin were ensuring they had crazy hangover headaches for the next day. Nick used Robin's camera to take these nice photos. Steve was on good form!


Blogger Ben said...

Yo! Looks like rad times were had. Meat taco looks amazing. Perry's table is pretty good too, fresh moves for P-bomb?

11:48 am

Blogger Nick said...

Yeah focus

12:41 pm

Blogger Perry said...

Yeah Robin. Turndown, flatty, whip out all legit.
Like my table photo, a few more degrees needed though.
Oh and Steve was a fucking riot as usual.

10:50 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

Perry your tables were good! You do a funny little finger thing on your right hand... into it. I'll get the film ones done soon lagoon too

9:10 am

Blogger Ben said...

Get your left foot pointing towards your downtube Perry and your tables will be complete! The hands look good.

2:34 pm


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