16 August, 2011

Woaaahh, so good.


Blogger Nick said...

Ridic! I wanted to watch this the other night but we don't get channel 4. winner.

gonna need to 4OD this i reckon, looks gooood

2:02 pm

Blogger Perry said...


9:29 pm

Blogger Ben said...

Apparently the skateboarding part of the programme is excellent as well.

Gotta say this is a seriously well put-together video. Really shows off the riding well, and is bound to impress a lot of people that have no interest in cycling at all.

9:23 am

Blogger Neil Mac said...

Ben, defo watch the full 1.5 hour show on 4OD. The whole show was immaculately put together, well researched and superbly documented. It was like Planet Earth but for street sports...

6:07 am

Blogger Neil Mac said...

This song works well on so many levels:

6:47 am


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