21 May, 2009

mpora has my face on it now...

this is the guy i'm shooting with in the nike apprentice bootcamp next week:

Channel 4Down BMX :: Ben Green Welcome to the S&M Team from Channel 4Down on Vimeo.


Blogger Nick said...

ha! love that you and craig tull both have table shots with puddle reflection

6:44 pm

Blogger Ben said...


8:03 am

Blogger Nick said...


click on finalists from the banner menu if it hasnt already gone there

9:38 am

Blogger Nick said...

looking at yours and craig tull's you both have:

a red sunset shot

a table reflection shot

an precisely composed front/back shot (his table off some board/ledge and your head on hippy hop one)

seem to have found the winning combination of photos!

9:45 am

Blogger Ben said...

Get talking to Ben Green asap about where you're going to be shooting, if he's got anything big in mind, lines he's been thinking about, etc. It's in his interest to get a good result out of this too.

Craig Tull's been around for a while now, been in lots of magazines etc, not really sure why he's there.

The other bmx guy has a good flatland shot, that's about it.

10:05 am


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