04 December, 2007

Old school VIDEO!!

Alright guys. Got bored of the rain and sick of studying so last night I knocked up a quick vid to remind me of sunny days at Weymouth.

Nick will cringe at the video quality and no doubt countless technical glitches, no attempt has been made to fit the song to the riding (I picked the Kooks cos they're cheery and from a seaside town), but all the clips are altogether in one place:

The file is 300mb so you might be advised to make a cup of tea or amuse yourself. Otherwise I can post it somewhere that you can save it. Look out for guest appearances from the legendary 'Suicide Nick'...



Blogger Nick said...

yeah neil, the only quality issue is that deinterlace footage hasnt been checked other than that, tidy.

neil tyretap to suicide nick tyre tap cut

12:56 am

Blogger Neil Mac said...

Yeh I'll do that next time. Tyretap is all me, I just magic a change of t-shirt mid trick...

12:57 pm

Blogger Nick said...

s'good point actually suicide nick's right foot forward

2:33 pm


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