What an awesome session we had at the trails tonight. Reminds one of the good old days. It had everything; stunts, crashes, mosquitos, different styles... love it.
I managed a twizzle on the third. It felt so good. Was also loving tricking the 2nd (x-up / tyre grab) and then the 3rd (turndown / toboggan). X-games all the way.
It's the first time I've seen Jason ride at the trails and the boy goes so fucking high. Wild. Robin as usual had awesome turndowns. Cam managed to re-create the classic style known to those who've had years of grip-hardened hands as 'smoothie-pube'.
Neil seemed inspired by Jason and also decided to go damn high. Despite being the most audible of the riders through the trails (I'm not talking about double dongs; more the "woah fuck!" on most jumps), he also threw some nice shapes over the third and seriously extended a few can-cans.
Media of all of the above, from Jason's camera, soon!