19 June, 2007

spent a lot of time when i was supposed to be working yesterday scanning medium format slides.

jason hop over wall in farnham

jason faking a ledge ride! fool couldn't hop.

robin going up the ledge.

and down the ledge.

robin tuck over rail at the runabout. this was after setting up my flashes and finding my viewpoint for a shot of jason doing something down the stairs, then he got all girly and wouldn't do anything so i felt like i had to do something.

nick tight wallride in southwood.

robin same shit.

jason bank to rail pegs in farnham.

jason wallride over rail in farnham.

nick gap from the flat roof over an alleyway and a rail, to the road. with police threat.

jason different gap over massive drop.

worth the wait?


Blogger Neil Mac said...

Shit yeh. You boys are bloody pro these days. Some high quality BMX action. I cannot wait to be united with you guys and small wheels. Less than a month away now...

9:08 am

Blogger ronbin said...

yep, look forward to it sir.

9:47 am

Blogger Nick said...

yup definitely worth the wait. desperately need to organise a street killing session soon with the video camera at all those spots.

the stand out photo is jasons rail wallride - fucking awesome shot and riding.

the pic of you hopping the rail is really good too, bully me and ill consider doing das rail, been using pegs quite a bit recently.

sort out a session when everyones free!

6:53 pm

Blogger Nick said...

should probably call out a manual down that ledge too, and maybe a turndown/180/360 off the top if i stop being a pussy and hopping onto it

7:08 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

yea yeah yeah all safe. thanks for the props. good luck having enough speed at the top of that ledge for turndown/180/360

11:04 pm

Blogger Jason said...

im gonna do a 180 over both death gaps next time and hop bank to rail, maybe if that goes well 180 over bank to rail. Good photos and deff another street shredding mish soon.

11:07 pm

Blogger Ben said...

I agree with all of the above.

8:00 pm


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