15 March, 2007
Previous Posts
- wokingham street! jason ledge hopjason little wall...
- About 1/4 of the people in my house on Friday. T...
- BMX video piracyhttp://www.bmxonline.com/bmx/photo...
- some recent velvia 100 shots...jason, hip tablerya...
- Who's up for a 5-7 days in Germania this summer th...
- Looking, shaking, riding. Nick Photos.The Last O...
- Watch THIS and then tell me you have no reservatio...
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1325h_mike-mille...
- A little clip from a 21st Birthday I went to on sa...
- http://www.thecomeupbmx.net/post.php?pid=213Cranme...
nooo dont be a little bastard and learn turndowns, i like being able to do something you couldnt quite do!
yeah told ya movements well close to being there, theyre turndowns as they are. one more week and theyll piss all over mine....git.
(ill ask gav about the stricker but ive heard hes not too happy that i bought my stairmaster from someone else)
9:00 pm
baaah sshh. i cant do them, knee gets in the way. gonna get me some 8inch penis bars. uhuh.
oufff ok, wangle wangle
9:16 pm
boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom. table.
11:03 am
er that said booooooom. table. it seems to have cut off the multiple oooo's so you can have a booooooo table instead
enough commenting.
11:04 am
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