21 August, 2006

MOTION MISH.darren whip box

robin flip (ben pho)

darren flip (ben pho)

darren twisty flip

yeah ben

robin booooooost (ben pho)

darren flip again

ben 540


Blogger Neil Mac said...

Who is this Darren geezer? Get you X-Games gimps! Great stuff. Did u actually get the full 540 degree rotation Ben?

Hopefully bike got sent today. Have to wait about a week. It's f-king killing me. No DK to ride in the meantime, just 2 hours talking BMX over coffee then walking to the city pointing out lines on the way with Irish Sam.

11:20 am

Blogger Ben said...

I got to about 630 acctually, you cheeky shit!

9:07 am


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