18 August, 2006

harrow bash.


Blogger Neil Mac said...

Nick, how the f-k you can air out of a flatbank that high is beyond me. And to bosh in a table too, damn.

Cool shot as well Nobin. Like Rom that day, but better.

Ah godamn stupid country England. Apparently due to the rain ParcelForce in A-shot is flooded, so bike isn't getting posted til tomoro (Monday).

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Give me a bike now! Good buzz from surfing and f-king great weekend (got a tan...in 'winter', seriously??!!) but also getting so twitchy to ride some trails and air a qp.

Laters dudes

10:46 am

Blogger ronbin said...

wicked nice. i know, he was boosting QUITE high. like really high. madness.

10:38 am


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