26 July, 2006
25 July, 2006
How To's
Just for Ben, because I know how much he enjoyed doing it...
This week Ben shows us how to do a TurdDown to the floor:
Click eeet bitch
"The one and only Mat Hoffman was at this year’s Masters! Next up, he’ll be on Radio 1 on Tuesday afternoon on the Colin & Edith show, and him and Tony Hawk are apparently on the Jonathon Ross Show this Friday on BBC1 – all as PR build-up for this weekend’s NASS event. What!?"
(Nicked from the RideBMXmag blog)
Mayo Magic
Cool sesh last night, fairly chilled, despite Mayo learning d/s whips 1/4 to flatbank and pulling a whip nosepick. Haggler was also generally tearing around the place, as well as doing some perry unique shit like disaster to two-footed canadian footjam. I proved I have a complete lack of ability to film someone whilst on a bike, namely Nick, doing a cool run; Manual big ledge, to 540 50p.
Anyhow, after complaining about having to drive Dad's girlfriend's daughter to Heathrow at 5.45 A.M. this morning Mayo came up with; "Mate, marry her before your Dad marries his girlfriend, and your Dad'll be fucked!" Awesome.
Apparently this is someones section...and there was me thinking it was a slam section...
24 July, 2006
23 July, 2006
22 July, 2006
20 July, 2006
Just a reminder of what us mortals have to contend with at the log.
19 July, 2006
17 July, 2006
BIKE 4 SALE - please spread the word
Apologies for embracing these fine BMX pages with some big-wheeled junk, but unfortunately needs must! Went to the BMX-only shop in the Melbourne suburbs and discovered Camberwell concrete skate across the road as well as my best option for a bike (nothing decent on eBay): a DK 6-pack for 200quid. 3pc cranks, sealed hubs, full cromoly frame....so on a budget it's my best option. I think so anyway, but heckle if you think otherwise. Ride UK review was good. Also Chris Doyle rides for DK so have ultimate respect, even if he does get bummed out of gold at pretty much every contest!!
So please attempt to sell my bike for me so to help offset this purchase using my limited money supply.
75quid - no less
Had loads of interest at this level before I went away, but no final sale. Think it should sell for this, and if you see that twat Theo Tanner in Cycle Kingdom please tell him that if he now has money in his account the bike is still for sale,
Also have the original chainset should a buyer want to convert to the original 3 chain rings.
Cheers boys.
"Koala", "no worries", "fair dinkum", "sookie" etc etc
16 July, 2006
14 July, 2006
Click on OXY entertains, then Dave Mirra, and watch the various videos. Remember, you may not be as cool as Dave Mirra, and although if you take risks, you may land on your face, spots shouldn't.
12 July, 2006
THE BANK!!! (ahem.)

Got the angles...

Nick, up the block to manual, to 180.
11 July, 2006
"Dhirkha dhirka" from Dubai chaps
Yo just chilling in Dubai airport about to embark on my Australian adventure. Spend the day at the beach today in 35degree heat. Nice breeze and the warmest sea made it pretty sweet.
Dubai can be described as an 'extravagant shit-hole'. Luxury hotel after luxury hotel and crazy busy roads slap bang in the desert. Everything is artificial and less than 20 years old and there are new construction sites all over.
Spent half an hour walking in 40 degree heat to try and find somewhere to have a cold bevoir, but it is illegal to drink alcohol anywhere in Dubai except hotels, so after a pointless walk through the suburbs we got a taxi and embraced a cold Heineken at the exclusive Meridien hotel. £5 but worth every penny in this heat, even if we didn't fit into the millionaire environment kitted out in beachwear.
Charlie is an international sex symbol out here, 'daring to bare' shoulders and has got many blatant perves from dirty arabs that probably haven't seen breast since they left the woomb. When she whipped out her bikini at the beach I honestly thought people were going to 'circle jerk' (respect fboro crew) around us!!
4 hours til flight then in a further 14 hours I will reach Melbourne. Yeh boys.
PS fair play for busting out and finding street in Fleet in my absence.
Well then...
£14ish of concrete, and the best part of three hours' work, and we were left with a true masterpiece.
In fairness, not the best £14 I've ever spent, but expect to see our newly created 'spot' show up on road fools sometime really soon. I got some crazy-ass media shit on Jason's image-capturing device (I've been whoring with other people's equippment a lot recently, should go for a check up) which should go up here sometime soon.
Would have made a better bank but approx. 3 tonnes of cement is on my trousers.
10 July, 2006
shots place renovation!
we should get involved with a bit of concrete at shots. make a decent flyout, smooth over half of the steps to make a nice bank, you know. make it a bit more fun.
yesterday was such a larf, i reckon we should enhance church crookham's gold dust street spots! shots could actually be pretty rad if we sorted it out a bit.
a couple of bags of quickdry concrete from b&q (just add water stuff), clear up all the shit, sweep some of the glass away, could be onto a winner. i'm so bored of fleet skatepark... shots might be interesting.
what do you think?
09 July, 2006
And Finally, Ladies and Gentlemen
To finish today's street bonanza, photo taking party, session off we have some old footage.
Ben's old footage:
Robin's Twizzlesticks at Twizzledown:
Robin's old Fbro digi camera vid clip:
(Both Robin's videos are of questionable quality as they have now been compressed twice...my bad back in the day, ahem)
08 July, 2006
07 July, 2006
06 July, 2006
Pro street session went down in Fleet today
I busted out some real sick moves off the kicker - Xups, 180s, step thrus and crazy opposite 1's to table (lander).
Later things got really gnarly and I started pushing the boundaries doing a manual to massive 1ft hop.
In the process I learnt travelling fakie wallrides:
No not really I just bodged the hop and ended up putting a hole in my leg.
Fair play to Hamilton, I'd like to see the state of his shins/legs. Sod the weather; next time I'm wearing jeans!
See that yellow stuff in the pedal pin? Yeah that's my skin.
Stop Press.
The trick everyones talked about and wondered whether it was possible - bosh.
04 July, 2006
02 July, 2006
Ben Nobin Neil n' Nick - Old Footage
Video I chucked together in a couple of hours, hence its pretty poor quality.
Neil added the homo slowmo to his tweeeeak, I had nothing to do with it. If some of the cuts look a little on the short side its because Mr McG tends to cut stuff from the point you take off to the point you land and thats it. Don't have any Harrow footage so unfortunatly its not in there - boooo!
01 July, 2006
Cool, so I found this the day after I had ordered the DVD. Damn.
Go get the new animal video for freeeeeee
Lino - get your rail tech ooooown
Vinnie Sammon - too good
Hamilton - hops up set steps you thick twice about hopping down
Scerbo - awesome as ever
Edwin - predictably, shreds.