06 June, 2006

So I'm definitely getting rid of the catapult now....
Our BBQ ended abruptly last night. Launching waterbombs so far that you can't see where they go....until we HEARD how far. Yup smashed another window/greenhouse. Keep it hush hush, it emerges that the house we hit is also the house we suspect to be occupied drug dealers, else young Asian males who happen to drive brand new Land Rovers, a Merc and a Porsche Carrera, and regularly have people outside at 3am.

Cue playing Pro Evo in the dark with all curtains/blinds closed and a prank phonecall from a mate trying to imitate the Po-lise. Suddenly I'm a bit more excited about going home on Friday!


Blogger Nick said...

good work neil bringing down the layer cake from the inside

1:05 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

nice work sunshine

6:13 pm


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