23 November, 2013

Fleen in France 2013 EDITS

Alright Fleet fans, here we are.

Two filmers, shared footage, two edits.

Props to Nick for filming a shit ton more than I did.




Blogger Nick said...

So stoked on both these videos! We need another trip!

Apologies to Robin for the YAF footage from the video camera and the sometimes questionable filming haha

(Yellow As Fuck)

9:26 pm

Blogger Ben said...

Great videos, great holiday, great men.

9:44 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

AUERRRGH I keep watching them and I miss those transitions and that weather and that scenery and that FLEEN

5:57 pm

Blogger Andy said...

I am late to this party but these are rad. I'm going to have to get my bike shipped over so I can sit on it and look at Skateparks and not ride them.

9:56 pm


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