27 November, 2011

and another. cold session yesterday...

24 November, 2011

22 November, 2011

A quick video from last night...

21 November, 2011

Robin rail hop
Kyle bars off the temp bank
Robin walltap
Kyle topside footplant
Karl silly

19 November, 2011

Posting this video because it features two awesome things; Mellowpark and Tobias Wicke.

I'd be up for going to Berlin again next year.

16 November, 2011

Defo learnt to ride trails from me

Here are a couple of extra trails-flavoured photos from the wheel shoot, taken by Robin (obviously). Super stoked on being in Ride UK! I've only been reading it for 12 years...

Thanks to Robin for the photos, and to James for building a strange and wonderful wheel.


14 November, 2011

Dude is mad good and I'm loving the white/black and redwall setup.

Simone Barraco - Welcome to the Pro Team from Shadow Conspiracy on Vimeo.

12 November, 2011

Jeeeesus Christ. How high!? Yeagle, taken from the Verde site. Apparently this is him getting back into riding after a shoulder injury...

11 November, 2011

Sweet edit, dude's got a good style and does some awesome stuff

07 November, 2011

This video is well good, looking forward to the first trip video with the new camera

06 November, 2011

02 November, 2011

I'm quite excited about this!

WTF pretty much all the way through... fully ridiculous. however you rate his riding, this is pretty legit...