26 October, 2010
Well damn... who knew there was a shit load of rad street in Dunkerque?
Err, Mutiny, apparently.
This is awesome
23 October, 2010
this dude is so good! i think i put one of his videos up before. effortless awesomeness
Go to PropsBMX.tv for more videos.
18 October, 2010
Seeing as the full Tripscene video isn't going to be out for ages here is the first section that I've made. Bit sketchy and still needs some work but here we go for now:
Tripscene Yo! - France Part 1 from neil mac on Vimeo.
Sound track is the Black Keys, who I'm seeing live next weekend wahoo!
17 October, 2010
08 October, 2010
The Red Bull rampage is a MTB freeride event which takes place every couple of years. Similar in format to those free-ski comps where skiers have to find the best line down the mountain face, only with rock instead of snow.
Anyway, this was the trick that won it for Cam Zink, a 360 down a sizable drop. I believe it measured 50ft out, 40ft down, lip to landing. Oh and he's on a full downhill rig. Fairly nuts.
Anyway, this was the trick that won it for Cam Zink, a 360 down a sizable drop. I believe it measured 50ft out, 40ft down, lip to landing. Oh and he's on a full downhill rig. Fairly nuts.

06 October, 2010
04 October, 2010
Too good not to post. Watch it and reminisce.
2000 Word Champs from Sprung 4. Smoove tunes included, obviously. Alex Rankin Gold.