02 August, 2010

Cheating Death

BMX tracks are fun, however sometimes their mellow take-offs have a habit of catching me out. I rode earlier tonight and after about 10 laps I was feeling pretty tired. Hitting jumps full speed whilst your legs ache isn't the brightest idea...

All my pop soaked up by the lip - cue nosediving 'dead sailor'. When you watch the clip my back wheel is still rising at this point...

Incredibly managed to ride it out via a high speed nose manual. Cam Hardy eat your heart out!

So yeh pretty glad not to eat concrete and lose a lot of skin. Something for the tripscene crash/sketch section anyway.



Blogger Nick said...

When I saw the title 'Cheating Death' I knew it had to be a Neil post. Yeah Hamilton nose manuals!

10:06 am

Blogger Ben said...

Haha that's excellent, hope the skidmarks came out in the wash!

6:36 pm


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