24 November, 2009

I figure its allowable to post here cos the video in general is lame... Doesn't get you pysched on anything really.

Should probably watch this before it gets removed.
Amazing riding, amazingly bad song.

VAN HOMAN STAY FIT from dimka on Vimeo.

Also Dak.

Dakota Roche from fry28 on Vimeo.

Oop found Chase D's too.

Chase Dehart " Stay Fit " from NiCoLaS GaRDEnT on Vimeo.

Talking of Chase.

Chase Hawk - Stay Fit from Sergei on Vimeo.


Blogger Ben said...

Shit yeah. Homan has never been scared.

1:39 pm

Blogger Ben said...

Good find nick.

1:39 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

Some ridiculous trickery!! Yet two completely unsuitable songs. I'm sure Homan is psyched on his song....... " I'M SOOOO BOOOORED." I'm pretty doubtfull anyone could be bored during those shinanigans. As for Daks hop..... FAR to high! Is his ender 180 to slight up-slope as well? !!BANG!!

2:31 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2:31 pm

Blogger Nick said...

i almost like chase d's song with his section...but not quite.

maybe they had to get music clearance or maybe rich hirsch is just mental in the ears.

2:37 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

chase d's hat looks silly. still enjoy his curb ridind though. you notice how all his hop whips land a second before him?

2:40 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

was Mr.Hawk filmed by someone from the X-games?? amazing riding but don't you find alot of it's really zoomed in and hard to make out what he's actually riding? Still a shredder though

2:42 pm

Blogger Ben said...

Too many whoppers in dehart's section. Good stuff from Hawk though. Dak's riding is just absurd.

2:43 pm

Blogger Neil Mac said...

I'm don't like street riding but that is a one blody good section from Van Homan. The man shreds. No nibbly shit, just bangers. Respect

11:06 pm

Blogger Ben said...

"I don't like street riding but..."

Neil Mac opening sentences with hammers since back in the day...

11:51 am

Blogger RobertGCoe said...

Masiy started laughing during the [Van's] last trick, but she also danced to the song....

Maybe rich hirsch taped the music from his car radio? thats the only was it could sound that SHIT!

10:37 am


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