26 June, 2009

With Ben Green, shot in Liverpool in one day


Blogger Ben said...

Top bag, he looks like quite the shredder too, love that moto air.

Found the winner's entry quite annoying to watch.

11:50 am

Blogger Nick said...

good work! im guessing those were just the shots you selected rather than all of them from the day?

medium format is just too cool

11:52 am

Blogger ronbin said...

he is fucking rad on a bike

yeah, richard is really talented but it's ALL weird angles. a technically interesting video but not a great bmx video, eh?

yeah these are all the ones i liked. i had to submit 10, so i left out one of the portraits and the rail hop because that wasn't in the brief.

medium format is best! i'm stoked on the turndown fakie photo though, haven't shot a decent fisheye shot like that for ages

12:05 pm

Blogger Ben said...

Exactly, EVERY FUCKING ANGLE was on the piss. And there wasn't a lot of riding footage. 30 seconds of that is tolerable, but no more.

Fenlon on ride: "From my point of view, I think video definitely had the edge over the photography, and I’d be surprised if it could be won by a photographer in the new media style of action sports."

12:09 pm

Blogger Nick said...

video (and im assuming bmx) has gotta be a more marketable option...underdog from the start

barspins my favourite!

3:10 pm

Blogger Perry said...

all those photos are LEGIT! like the bars and the turndown especially.

8:35 pm


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