16 March, 2009

This is the only barcelona bmx shop i can find, If someone gets a mo and has the google earth skills of nick armstrong; tap it in and see where it is!
Im stuck at work, then have the long haul to derby via the mean streets of gravesend!
Or, ze can we look at it at yours tonight?


Blogger Nick said...

everyone with wombolts should pre order a new set of cranks from there.

has anyone got an iphone? jimmy b or perry? i was gonna say you too rob cos you can afford flashy things now but then i remembered you have a tesco value sim and phones that can handle a decent drop kick down a hallway

googleearth on a phone would be amazing while were out there

7:59 am

Blogger RobertGCoe said...

yeah, i have a new phone.. but it was free (£17.99 retail) from, you geussed it; Tesco!

apparently they sent me a £20 voucher for being a long standing customer... but i had to upgrade from value tarrif to use my phone abroad, BOO!

value was cheap too.

ze has a i phone?
or an i touch?

9:16 am

Blogger Nick said...

he has an i-touch which will be awesome if were always near some wireless connection but phone 20 fo 7

9:36 am

Blogger RobertGCoe said...

Can you go on the tinterweb with an i touch?

thats sounds cooool, then i could 'fleetscene' whilst watchin telly.

i spend all my money on clothes for our little monkey! (aka maisy)
that and the horrrrrrrible euro/GBP exchange rate!

11:50 am


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