can't fucking get Garret Reynolds Nike 6.0 on here so here's the link, oh and go grab a bowl and strap it to your face cos your eyes WILL chunder!!
can't fucking get Garret Reynolds Nike 6.0 on here so here's the link, oh and go grab a bowl and strap it to your face cos your eyes WILL chunder!!
oh shit! fair play, that was an awesome section.
4:28 pm
ye gads man! some of those lines were completely insane. that lad is far too dialled
10:05 pm
Holy bars batman. Yeah there were a few clips in there that were le-fucking-git; the enormous 3 down those stairs and the gap to nose on that weird metal thing spring to mind.
9:38 am
yeah i'm hearing you on both those tricks Ben, for me probably one of the best sections i've seen.
9:18 pm
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