Found this on the Mutiny website, anybody recognise the music???
Click Brandon and Ryan Aug 08 to view. Oh and while your there click on Web Video 08 it's so sick, can anyone say nose-wheelie up a wallride! Randy Taylor is amazing.
yeah thats a well good video, musics been stolen,STOLEN i tell ya!
i like walter p's videos, he made an early mutiny video, time well spent
8:06 pm
I liked time well spent... but only for the trickerson section, was pretty nuts.
...just booked the october week off work!
yay, have already booked the flight, so im glad i got the holiday approved.
now i just need to take my bike apart for the spray job :)
...whos got frehly sprayed bikes?
12:31 pm
i do. i hear jason does. perry was making noises about it. pants' changes between white and matt black. robin has something else up his sleeves.
saw maggott ride bluedog last night, so much skill
7:44 am
What colour should I spray mine? As i can afford to 'refresh' my bike with parts, I get paint'll have to do.
9:03 am
how do you never have money? 2 colour fade yeeeah
or purple
12:34 pm
i have purple ishhhhhhhhhhhhh
so no one is allowed
11:09 pm
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