22 April, 2008

i made this today... printed it massive, stuck it on my wall... it looks rad!


Blogger Nick said...

oooooh dont do that! it makes me miss it even more. today i read an article in an old ride that said

"we are not rock stars, we are kids that ride little bikes, we eat cheap food and drink cheap beer"

"the moment i got back to my home in hyde park i immediately wanted to be back in germany"

taken from an attila german trip write up 2004.

can we look forward to getting all them photos on a compact disc? i saw a few in there that may work well in the video that arent on feetclean. good work fella!

[also milla jovovich owns.]

11:08 pm

Blogger ronbin said...

ayyyeee i'll send a disc with the super8 and photos on it.


5:36 pm


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