Nick and Neil went to Bones. Or is it Stockport? Hang on isn't it UKSkate now?
A while ago Neil used Myspaz to contact Nick to see if he wanted to go riding. Nick usually ignores anyone that isn't a hot 16 year old girl on Myspace, but this was about bmx so he made an exception.
Nick said yes as he likes bmx and Neil clearly needed to be reminded that bmx is as good as surfing (or even a billion times better).
Nick sat on a train while Neil was at uni. Nick got off at Stockport and asked lots of people where the park was. He got an answer in the end and found the park, Neil phoned Nick and said "I'm done at uni, I'll be 20 minutes".
Nick rode by himself for the next 45 minutes until Neil decided he was fashionable and late enough to show up (I'll let him off though because he gave me 10p AND a can of beer!).
Then they did ride!
Nick did a turndoon on a box.
Neil got cross with his bars in the air, and Nick fucked up most of the photos of them - sorry.
Then they took many photos very fast and called them 'movie clips'. Nick did a gay little uprail but wasn't street enough to turn around in the tight space to go back down it. Nick decided sliding around was more fun than pulling tricks. Then he did the wallride proper. Then he scared himself, but it was worth it 'cause pegs sound cool.
Uprail 1 from carvebmx on Vimeo.
Uprail 2 from carvebmx on Vimeo.
Crash! from carvebmx on Vimeo.
Wallride from carvebmx on Vimeo.
Gap To Ice from carvebmx on Vimeo.
They left the park to check out a bank Neil had seen. Neil liked the bank more than the park because there weren't about 10 wankers with wheels stuck on their shoes stepping into grinds.
Neil did a 180 out the bank to fakie around and pivot back in which was rad! He also did a foot endo on the tiny deck at the top and some tuck 180's that were high!

A while ago Neil used Myspaz to contact Nick to see if he wanted to go riding. Nick usually ignores anyone that isn't a hot 16 year old girl on Myspace, but this was about bmx so he made an exception.
Nick said yes as he likes bmx and Neil clearly needed to be reminded that bmx is as good as surfing (or even a billion times better).
Nick sat on a train while Neil was at uni. Nick got off at Stockport and asked lots of people where the park was. He got an answer in the end and found the park, Neil phoned Nick and said "I'm done at uni, I'll be 20 minutes".
Nick rode by himself for the next 45 minutes until Neil decided he was fashionable and late enough to show up (I'll let him off though because he gave me 10p AND a can of beer!).
Then they did ride!
Then they took many photos very fast and called them 'movie clips'. Nick did a gay little uprail but wasn't street enough to turn around in the tight space to go back down it. Nick decided sliding around was more fun than pulling tricks. Then he did the wallride proper. Then he scared himself, but it was worth it 'cause pegs sound cool.
Uprail 1 from carvebmx on Vimeo.
Uprail 2 from carvebmx on Vimeo.
Crash! from carvebmx on Vimeo.
Wallride from carvebmx on Vimeo.
Gap To Ice from carvebmx on Vimeo.
They left the park to check out a bank Neil had seen. Neil liked the bank more than the park because there weren't about 10 wankers with wheels stuck on their shoes stepping into grinds.
Neil did a 180 out the bank to fakie around and pivot back in which was rad! He also did a foot endo on the tiny deck at the top and some tuck 180's that were high!
Neil's foot got stuck which made the back of his bike rise precariously.
Chase De Hart eat your De Heart out.
Hahahaha! Classic!
Chinese (food, not people) was eaten as was fish and chips. Neil dropped Nick off at the station (thank you), and Nick sat on the train again.
Now I must sleep as we're rolling around Sheffield tomorrow :)
<3 bmx
Now I must sleep as we're rolling around Sheffield tomorrow :)
<3 bmx
Yeaaaahhh good update. Gap to ice was siiiick.
10:40 am
Just slept in through the entire morning. My back is killing me! It has been a long time since I last rode all day - feel like an old man! Good times
12:27 pm
Awesome update looked wicked.
Gap to Ice was intense, good work Nick. And yeah Neil x-up airs are hard, Stockport looks fun.
1:56 pm
wasted money today going to sheff i think...
upper arms are absolutely killing could not ride for love nor money.
saw THE hottest and i mean HOTTEST 15 year old girl though so thats all good.
6:14 pm
good update. fuckers.
6:35 pm
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