29 December, 2007

Corby 28/12/07
(No media so I thought I'd do a write-up)

Attended; Ben, Cam, Jason, Nick(!), Tom, Perry.

Ben: Pegs on the Jersey out of the bowl, A little over to icepick grind on the driveway rail, Flips on Resi.

Cam: Nice twists into foam, also did rhythm section.

Jason: Got bars in the ribs early on, so was pretty chilled. Did some good stuff through the rhythm and in the bowl.

Nick: Trails style through the rhythm, turndowns over 2nd, perfect no-handers on the resi, over to ice grind on the driveway rail.

Tom: Tyretaps and airs and stuff, also did the rhythm nicely.

Perry: 360s on the last 2 in the rhythm, footjams, nice nosedive table 3s on the resi, pedalstall on the Jersey.

Tabron: Flairs, turndown 5s, invert to turndown 5s, all at about 9 feet.

Was tres bon.



Blogger Nick said...

ben also did barspin airs that he'll deny were airs but they were. he also did a very comical crash which i enjoyed very much.

tom also managed to pull a sausage and bacon roll to the stomach. twice. managed to crash 3 times in a single attempt (go figure) at a sub walltap. again, very comical.

i completely missed any invert to turndown 5...tabron's inverts look rank in photos, look amazing in person though.

one of THE best sessions i've had in a long time, cheers to lifts and riders.

8:25 pm

Blogger Nick said...

oh yeah you missed out the word 'perfect' preceding 'flips on resi'. upside-downies are hard.

8:28 pm

Blogger Neil Mac said...

All that action and NO MEDIA?! You willies. Must've been one of those wicked sessions that's so good you don't want to stop riding to pick up a camera.

Need to see some of this Ben flippage action

4:14 pm


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